Capital Credits

Account Services > Capital Credits

Oregon Trail Electric Co-op's Capital Credits represent members' share of the co-op's margins, returned to members as a benefit of ownership and a reflection of the cooperative's commitment to its community.

As a member of Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative, you are also an owner of the cooperative (hence, OTEC member-owners). So rather than earning profits, OTEC invests a portion of that money toward strengthening the operations that power your life and assigns the rest to you. These funds are called capital credits.

Each year, the OTEC Board of Directors determines what portion of capital credits can be returned to our membership. Capital credits, which are based on the dollar amount of electricity each member purchases, vary from member to member and year to year.


Unclaimed Capital Credits Search

2024 Capital Credits Information

The OTEC Board of Directors approved the retirement of $3 million in capital credits to OTEC member-owners as part of the co-op’s capital credits program. Since OTEC first began issuing capital credits in 1996, we have returned $58 million in total refunds to our member-owners.

Capital credits represent each member-owner’s share of OTEC’s margins (revenues) earned during the year. Each year, after operating expenses have been paid, the remaining margins are allocated to the member’s capital credit account based on their billed amount from previous years.

Member-owners with accounts in good standing will receive their Capital Credit refunds in the form of a check or bill credit by the end of 2024, just in time for the holidays.

Special or Early Retirement of Capital Credits

Capital credits are eligible for early or special retirement in accordance with OTEC's bylaws when a member passes away. Click here to read the bylaw at Section 8.

The heir(s) or representatives of the deceased member's estate can request a special/early retirement of a deceased member's capital credits by filling out the packet below:

*Please note that only individual member capital credit accounts are eligible for special/early retirement. Joint accounts may be retired upon death of both joint account members. Business accounts including corporations, LLC's, etc., are not eligible for special/early retirement.

Donation of Capital Credits

Decedent OTEC members:

Heir(s) or representatives of a deceased member's estate can fill out the packet above and note that they would like to have the capital credits donated to the OTEC Member Foundation upon special/early retirement.

Current or Past OTEC Members

Current or past OTEC members who would like to donate their current year's capital credits or full capital credit margins to the OTEC Member Foundation can do so by clicking here.


Capital Credits Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Joint memberships are not eligible for early retirement unless both members are deceased.