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If you have recently experienced property damage that you suspect may be related to power flow fluctuations, please consider the following before seeking compensation:
-It is the member's responsibility to protect their equipment from power outages and fluctuations. Large power systems regularly experience power fluctuations that are beyond a reasonable expectation of control. For example, power outages and related damages caused by weather events fall into this category and are beyond Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative's reasonable ability to control.
-Given this fact, neither the constant flow of electricity nor the absence of power fluctuations can be guaranteed. Please understand that Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative will not provide compensation for damages resulting from power fluctuations and outages.
-There are ways that you can prevent future equipment damage in the event of an outage. You can protect potentially sensitive or high-value equipment with a surge protector or by unplugging unprotected equipment during an outage, until after power is restored. This protects it from the potential power surge that may happen as power comes back on. Refrigerator temperatures can remain at a safe level for several hours if doors are kept closed.
-If you have questions, please call 541-523-3616 or email
-If you'd like to fill out a claims report, please download the PDF below and email it to, mail it to your local OTEC office or drop it off at your nearest OTEC office.
Thank you,
Clint Morrison, Director of Support Services