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Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative was honored to be hold a first-of-it's kind event in eastern Oregon!
OTEC held the inaugural "Power Eastern Oregon" business summit on August 29, 2022 at Anthony Lakes Resort in the heart of the Elkhorn Mountains and included some of the most knowledgeable business and economic development leaders from eastern Oregon and beyond.
It was one day of speakers and workshops that addressed cutting edge solution to issues such as housing, declining population, employment and much more.
Two of the mainstage speakers included nationally known and respected experts in economic development, Zachary Mannheimer and Garry Clark. Please click on their names to read theirs bios.
If you are interested in reviewing some of the presentations that were included in the summit, please scroll down.
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative would like to thank everyone that attended and a special thanks to our sponsors: Cooperative Finance Corporation, Eastern Oregon Counties Association, Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort, Elkhorn Media and Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation.