Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative (OTEC) is pleased to now offer monetary incentives to encourage more OTEC members-owners to receive their monthly bill electronically with paperless billing instead of receiving a paper copy in the mail.
Now until the end of 2022, OTEC member-owners who sign up for paperless billing will be automatically entered into a drawing, where two members at the end of each month will win a $100 energy credit to be applied to their account. Members who have previously signed up for paperless billing are also eligible to win.
Paperless billing brings plenty of pleasing benefits if you make the switch:
1. Mobile Convenience
Quickly access your bill from your email inbox as soon as it processes, day or night. There’s no more waiting for the mail to come. You don’t have to look at the email either. Log in to your OTEC account on otec.coop or use the free MyOTEC app to view your bill anytime. Enroll in OTEC’s autopay option for even more simplicity.
2. Pay anytime, anywhere
The ability to access you’re your bill is a significant benefit of paperless billing. You’ll be able to pay via your mobile device or laptop while out running errand or at home watching Netflix or cooking dinner.
3. Save money
Traditional paper bills require postage and time sorting through the mail. Save both with paperless billing. Postal rates have increased and will continue to do so. “Not only are you saving yourself time and money, but you’re also saving the cooperative money when you switch to paperless.” Said Joe Hathaway, OTEC’s Communications Manager. “Because we’re member-owned, reducing postage and operating costs for the cooperative benefits everyone.”
4. Reduce carbon footprint
When you go paperless, you’re helping the environment too by minimizing wasted paper and reducing your carbon footprint. Paper makes up about 25% of landfill waste.
“Just as OTEC is proud to deliver clean, carbon-free and affordable hydropower to our member-owners, going paperless is another great way for all of us to pitch to help the environment and sustain the beauty of eastern Oregon.” Said Hathaway.
Signing up is easy to do, just call OTEC or at 541-523-3616 or you log in to your online account at www.otec.coop or download the free MyOTEC app.